Be independent!.

Assalamualaikum ladies.

Congratulations to those who are getting married. Here's some important advice from me.

Before deciding to get married, it's important to acknowledge the possibility that people can change. This isn't meant to be a pessimistic view of relationships, but rather a realistic one. People grow and evolve over time, and sometimes those changes can lead them in different directions.

It's crucial to enter into marriage with the understanding that you are choosing to commit to this person as they are now, but also recognizing that they may change in the future. This means being prepared to stand alone if necessary, not because you expect your partner to change, but because you understand that it's a possibility and you are committed to your own well-being regardless of the outcome.

Standing alone doesn't mean shutting yourself off from the world or from love, but rather being self-sufficient and secure in who you are outside of your relationship. It's about being able to rely on yourself for your own happiness and fulfillment, while still being open to share your life with someone else.

So, before you decide to get married, take the time to really understand yourself and what you want from life. Be prepared to stand alone if need be, but also be open to the possibility of sharing your life with someone else, knowing that it's a choice you are making every day.

It is also about cultivating a mindset of independence and resilience, understanding that while relationships and connections are vital, our ultimate reliance must be on our own capabilities and strengths.

So in conclusion, people's priorities and perceptions can change unexpectedly. What we mean to someone today might not be the same tomorrow. This isn’t a reason to be cynical but a reminder to prioritize our own well-being and security. By being self-reliant, we’re better equipped to navigate life’s uncertainties and adapt to its ever-changing nature.

So, before you choose someone to be yr partner, make sure that you are also prepare to stand on your own two feet when necessary. This is not a call for isolation but a call for empowerment, reminding us that our greatest ally in life is often ourselves.


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