
Showing posts from January, 2024

Aamiin Ya Robbal Alamin

Ya Tuhan kami, keluarkanlah kami dari negeri ini (Mekah) yang penduduknya zalim. Berilah kami pelindung dari sisi-Mu, dan berilah kami penolong dari sisi-Mu.

2024 Vision

With the passing years, I find myself becoming increasingly selective about to whom I extend my energy, leaning towards those who exude positivity and sincerity. I am slowly being picky with whom I give my energy to. I like conserving my energy and time for those who radiate positivity and sincerity, without passing judgment based on their own perspective. In my approach to friendships, I prioritize quality over quantity, choosing companions who comprehend and inspire me as I navigate the path toward success.   So I ask myself   whether the people around me bring sunshine or rain. So, I need to think how can I make sure I'm surrounded by those who add joy to my days?. My inclination favours profound, meaningful conversations over superficial exchanges, acknowledging that maturation involves not seeking external sources of happiness but uncovering one's own contentment within. In conclusion, to become the best version of ourself comes with a lot of goodbyes.

Hikmah Insomnia

Last night, as the clock struck midnight, I found myself in the familiar embrace of insomnia. The world outside my window was shrouded in silence, but my mind was anything but quiet. It was as if the night had unlocked a hidden chamber of ideas that begged to be expressed. Instead of succumbing to frustration, I decided to turn this sleepless night into an opportunity. I grabbed my phone, allowing my fingertips dance across it's surface like a nocturnal symphony. The words flowed effortlessly, weaving a tapestry of thoughts that had eluded me during the busyness of the day. In the stillness of the night, I discovered the power of solitude. With no distractions to pull me away, I delved into the recesses of my mind, exploring themes and emotions that often go unnoticed in the hustle and bustle of daylight.  As the clock continued its rhythmic march, my writing became a cathartic release. Every sentence was a stepping stone, leading me further into the labyrinth of my thoughts. It wa